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These baby names are fit for a cherub
The word "angel" has Christian roots and was created to describe spiritual beings who supposedly act as messengers for the Christian God — but nowadays, the word is not always so religious. In fact, many of us use the term for any person — or particularly well-behaved pet — who embodies joy and peace. And isn't that what we hope for our babies?
Angelic baby names ring especially true when you spend quiet moments staring at your sleeping angel, but as your baby grows into adulthood, a sweet name will bring you right back to their cherubic days. The angelic baby names ahead are fit for a real-life cherub — or at least a kid that looks angelic even when they misbehave.
More: Zen Baby Names for Your Little Yogi
Naming your baby Angel
The name Angel is of Spanish origin and is generally considered a boy's name, although it could be just as beautiful for a baby girl. You can also consider these baby names that are based on Angel.
The names of prominent angels from the Christian faith
If you are looking for a unique and beautiful name, these angel names are otherworldly and ethereal. Why not match the angel name with an attribute you hope your child exemplifies?
Afriel: Angel of youth
Ariel: Angel of nature
Cassiel: Angel of temperance
Charmeine: Angel of harmony
Dina: Angel of learning
Gavreel: Angel of peace
Michael: Angel of loyalty
Gabriel: Angelic messenger
Raphael: Angel of healing
Micah: Angel of miracles
Uriel: Angel of creativity
Forfax: Angel of astronomy
Hadraniel: Angel of love
Jophiel: Angel of enlightenment
Lailah: Angel of conception
Manakel: Angel of peace
Nathaniel: Angel of fire
Ramiel: Angel of thunder
Sariel: Angel of guidance
Sachael: Angel of water
Tabbris: Angel of self-determination
Xapham: Angel of creation
Raziel: Angel of mysteries
Paschar: Angel of vision
Zuriel: Angel of harmony
Zuphlas: Angel of trees
Zadkiel: Angel of prayer
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